Empowering the Youth of Today for Tomorrow

Program Registration Opens 17th June 2024.
About Us

To empower the youth today!

We are a group of organisations that came together with a single mission – to empower the youth today!

The four founding organisations of the Future Guardians program are Baynna, Pupilar, IDMEA and Sajory.  Together they harnessed their collective powers and strengths to design, develop and deliver leadership engagement opportunities for young people, unlike any other in the region.

What is Future Guardians?

Future Guardians’ vision is to empower the youth across the MENA region in key transferable soft skills, such as leadership, design thinking, team dynamics and project management.

We believe that young people are more than just their academic profile.  They are also stars that seek to shine in multiple arenas and solve problems that they are facing not only today, but tomorrow as well.

Our flagship program

2 weeks Summer Program

Future Guardians’ flagship program is a summer 2-week program that aims to develop the leadership potential of 11 - 17 year olds in the UAE.The 2-week program is an activation of a year long engagement with the Future Guardian Team. The investment made by you will cover the year.



Including understanding self, building resilience, delivering powerful public messages, and knowing how to inspire.


Design Thinking

The power of human-centered design thinking to solve complex real-world challenges.


Team Dynamics

Understanding how to build, manage and enable teams is a critical skill to ensure young people are future prepared.


Project Management

Working with tight schedules and understanding systems thinking through project management to achieve desired outputs/objectives/ outcomes.

2 Weeks Program

Program Overview

Delivery of the program 24th March - 4th April 2025 

24th March



Meet Sponsors


9:00 AM - 04:00 PM

On Site

25th March


Leadership 101

Design Thinking

Project Management


9:00 AM - 04:00 PM

On Site

26th March



Group Project



27th March



Group Project



28th March


Excursion (1.5 Hours)


4:00 AM - 05:30 PM

On Site

31st March





9:00 AM - 04:00 PM

On Site

1st April


Leadership Talks
Pitch Preparation


9:00 AM - 04:00 PM

On Site

2nd April



Group Project



3rd April



Group Project



4th April


Pitch Day Certificates + Award


9:00 AM - 04:00 PM


On Site

24th March



Meet Sponsors


9:00 AM - 04:00 PM

On Site

25th March


Leadership 101

Design Thinking

Project Management


9:00 AM - 04:00 PM

On Site

26th March



Group Project



27th March



Group Project



28th March


Excursion (1.5 Hours)


4:00 AM - 05:30 PM

On Site

31st March





9:00 AM - 04:00 PM

On Site

1st April


Leadership Talks
Pitch Preparation


9:00 AM - 04:00 PM

On Site

2nd April



Group Project



3rd April



Group Project



4th April


Pitch Day Certificates + Award


9:00 AM - 04:00 PM


On Site


Our Partners

We are constantly evolving as a force, and we seek partnerships across the following areas:

Reach out to us via info@futureguardians.io and a member of our team will get back to you.

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We seek to be inclusive in our programs and hence offer the opportunity for organisations to sponsor “seats” for young people who have the potential but not necessarily the financial ability. Your organisation can truly make a difference to them.

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Strategic Partners

If you have a unique challenge that you would like a group of young people to “hack”, then working with Future Guardians is for you.

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Operational Partners

We constantly seek to engage our alumni of program graduates in learning opportunities. Whether these are part-time opportunities or field visits to your establishment or even supporting in the activation of the Flagship 2-Week Program. Reach out to us!


Our Partners

We are constantly evolving as a force, and we seek partnerships across the following areas:

Reach out to us via info@futureguardians.io and a member of our team will get back to you.

GOF 3 Icons -02

Strategic Partners

If you have a unique challenge that you would like a group of young people to “hack”, then working with Future Guardians is for you.

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Operational Partners

We constantly seek to engage our alumni of program graduates in learning opportunities. Whether these are part-time opportunities or field visits to your establishment or even supporting in the activation of the Flagship 2-Week Program. Reach out to us!

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We seek to be inclusive in our programs and hence offer the opportunity for organisations to sponsor “seats” for young people who have the potential but not necessarily the financial ability. Your organisation can truly make a difference to them.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the registration process?

The registration is a 2-stage process:

Stage 1: Application of Interest

Part 1: Essentials (Written) - Minimum requirement criteria for entry to the program.

Part 2: Desirables (Video) - For the participants to demonstrate a clear understanding of the youth leadership program and its core themes and to identify where they fit or shine for themselves with the individual and team themes.

Stage 2: Screening and Final Acceptance

Upon registration, all registrants undergo a pre-qualification procedure based on their submitted written and video applications by the Future Guardians organising team. The selected group of participants would be notified within 7 days of the application cutoff and will then proceed to make the final payment and commitment for the 2-week program.

2. Upon filling the registration form, What determines the acceptance of the participant in the program?

Upon registration, all registrants undergo a pre-qualification procedure based on their submitted written and video applications by the Future Guardians organising team. The selected group of participants would be notified within 7 days of the application cutoff and will then proceed to make the final payment and commitment for the 2-week program.

**Important Notice: To maintain the integrity of the registration process for our youth leadership program, the participant must complete this registration form, not the parents.

1. What makes Future Guardians different from any summer program?

We believe that academic excellence is only one side to a student’s persona.Our program aims to empower the side that is less focused on: his/her leadership capability.

2. How many participants per cohort?

Up to 30 participants will be selected for Summer 2025 intake

3. Where will the program be conducted?

The program is a hybrid and will be conducted face-to-face in Abu Dhabi.Venue details to be provided once the students are confirmed in the program.

4. I have more than one child, can I register more than one child to the program?


5. What topics will the program cover?

The topics that will be covered in this program are:

  1. Leadership essentials
  2. Human-centered design (thinking and doing)
  3. Public speaking for pitches
  4. Team dynamics
  5. Time Management
  6. Project Management
  7. Resilience
  8. Mindfulness and Grounding

6. What happens after the program ends?

Initially, we will provide you with a portfolio of your child in the form of a report that will cover the various expected learnings of the program.  This will also include their PRISM data (behavioural assessment tool).  The aim is to provide insight to you as a parent as to what could he/she be better directed towards in terms of their potential careers, projects and overall passion.

The participants will be engaged for up to one year as part of the fees that parents invest in their child.  The year long engagements will include leadership talks, online follow-up sessions and other activations that will be provided at various intervals.

As we approach the initial cohorts of our programs, the intention will be focused on several early streams of cumulative, modular, and scalable components of knowledge and competencies that we aim to align with our guardians as they grow into assuming their destined role.

To better serve the purpose of the program, our understanding and continuous evaluation is part of the builtin dna. Therefore, while we are excited to share much more about our vision of what is next, but now, we would want to keep it that short.

7. What is the program’s language of delivery?

English for now and we hope to have more Arabic-led sessions for young leaders who are non-English speakers.  Language should never be a barrier to someone achieving his/her potential.

1. How many days are face-to-face versus remote?

A total of 5 days are face-to-face while the remaining parts of the program will be held virtually.

2. What will my child gain as a direct result of being on this program?

At thend of the program, participants will be able to:

  1. Identify what components must come together to build a FUTURE GUARDIAN leader (including understanding personal strengths and preferred behaviours)
  2. Demonstrate leadership core traits individually, in teams, and across groups
  3. Build confidence in individuals’ behaviours, aptitudes, core traits and abilities
  4. Identify and adapt to differentiating team dynamics and exemplify the best approach to engage with peer groups, parents, teachers, mentors, and the community
  5. Deliver a 3-minute pitch to a panel of judges confidently
  6. Implement best approaches in project development, management and measurement
  7. Use various ways to settle their minds and be present in the moment
  8. Identify global trends and how they influence their future
  9. Use project management tools for their individual and group projects and effective time management
  10. Identify their leadership style and how to adapt it effectively to various contexts

3. Who are the mentors on the program?

Pupilar is one of the founding organisations of Future Guardians and as such they bring a wealth of expertise to the equation.They will provide up to five mentors (one for each team) to mentor them on their journey throughout the program.The mentors are university graduates in the country with expertise in the challenges that are provided as part of this program.

Their objective is to guide and advise the groups in order to progress in their projects and be pitch-ready on the final day of the program.The criteria that the judges will be evaluating the projects will be provided from the 2nd day of the program.

4. What are the challenges/projects on the program?

We have identified five unique challenges for this program, and they are:

  1. Climate Change & Environment:What solution would you suggest to the Abu Dhabi Municipality or ADDC to help Abu Dhabi community and companies preserve water?
  2. Community Development:What solution can you design to support various communities in various areas in Abu Dhabi to be more tightly knit and harmonious?
  3. Future of Work:How might we prepare Abu Dhabi to be a more attractive city to talent that is in high demand globally?
  4. Future of Schools:If you could design a typical school week for a 13-year-old; what would it look and feel like for teachers, students and parents?
  5. Entrepreneurship:How will you design and produce 30 t-shirts that recognise the importance and value of this leadership program?

Each team will develop solutions for these challenges and pitch their ideas to a panel of subject matter expert judges and leaders.The potential of the winning solution to take a flight is a prospective future for the winning team.

5. Who are the coaches on the program?

Both Nicola Ablett and Sarah Shaw are the main coaches on this program. You can find their bios here.

6. How many hours of coaching will they receive

Each participant will receive a total of 90 minutes during the 2-week program (each session is 45 minutes long).

7. Is the coaching face-to-face or online?

All coaching sessions will be conducted virtually and scheduled at the beginning of the program.

8. What are the projects the participants will be working on?

Over and above the group projects detailed in Question 11, participants will also work on an individual project with their assigned coach.The individual projects aim to address one of the following areas in participants:

  1. Do something they’ve never done for the first time within the next 2 weeks (after parent consultation and approval)
  2. Develop a skill/talent they have and show the cohort that skill
  3. Overcome a fear that they have

The coaching sessions will be focused on addressing their individual projects directly.

9. What types of activities are included in the program?

The program has a wide range of activities from in-class work, individual reflections, dynamic engagement in discussions and dialogue and an excursion to widen their horizons.

Participants will also have first-hand opportunities to engage with leaders from the 5 projects/challenges explained in Question 11.  

These close proximity discussions with thought leaders in these themes will help them further develop their solutions to the challenges their teams are addressing.

10. What is the time commitment required for the program?

Face-to-face commitment is 6 hours per day

Online commitment is 45 minutes per coaching session

Team meetings (either virtual or in-person) are to the teams’ discretion with their respective mentors

1. My child is nearly 11, can he/she join the program?


2. My child just turned 18, can he/she join the program?


3. Are there any scholarships or financial aid options available?

At the moment, there are no available scholarships, however we do continuously seek partners who would be willing to fund participants to be on the program.

4. What should students bring to the sessions?

Their energy and focus

5. Will meals and snack be provided during face-to-face program days?



Register to 2025 Summer Intake!

The Flagship program will run in Abu Dhabi from 24th March - 4th April 2025.

The total investment to enter the Future Guardians League is AED 3,500 per participant (which includes the 2-week activation and the year long engagement).

You are welcome to register your interest by sending us an email to info@futureguardians.io or by completing the below form.